OthersDo You Drink Enough Water?

Do You Drink Enough Water?

Water is incredibly important for our body, which is why it is recommended to drink about three liters a day. If we do not manage to do this, our body will let us know. In the following you can read about what signs there are if you do not drink enough. The impacts are from not very dangerous to quite severe. So better drink lots of water everyday in order to be fit to enjoy 20Bet mobile

When we grow up we hear a lot that water is very important. The amount of how much you need depends on your age as well as on height and weight. But why is it so difficult for us to keep reminding us to drink water? If we do not drink it we can feel it immediately. Like dry lips, dry eyes or sometimes even a headache. If you continually do not drink enough it can really negatively influence your organs. 

However, when you try to drink as much water as your body needs, make sure that water is free from impurities and contaminants such as lead, chlorine, and bacteria which can be found in tap water. If this is the case then use a reverse osmosis filter system to filter water at home.

This is how you can tell that you are not drinking enough water:

1. you have a headache

If the organism lacks water when it is dehydrated, the blood becomes thicker. The blood can then no longer optimally supply the fine vessels in the brain with oxygen and reacts to this with headaches. 

2. you have bad breath

Saliva is not only there to help us digest our food better. It is also there to clean bacteria from the mouth and tongue tissues. The more dehydrated you are, the less saliva your mouth produces. This in turn leads to you not having enough saliva to reduce bacterial growth, causing bad breath.

3. your urine is dark yellow

The color of your urine can also tell you if you are drinking enough. If you are drinking enough, it should be light yellow or colorless. Dark yellow or mustard yellow urine, on the other hand, indicates a very low water level in your urine.

4. you have constipation

Without sufficient fluid intake, our organism cannot digest properly. This, in turn, leads to constipation because the body tries to keep water in the body by extracting water from the stool. Stool that contains less water is more difficult to eliminate. 

5. you are thirsty

Dry mouth is the first sign that you are not drinking enough. Going to the toilet is also related to it: if you go to the toilet less often than the usual four to ten times a day, it means your body is retaining water like stupid because it is drying up.


Drinking enough water is often not so easy. But it is so important! Almost every third person drinks too little. The 2-liter rule is long outdated and not scientifically proven. Every person’s water needs are totally individual and depend on several factors such as weight, activity and climate. But the fact is that many people drink too little. Because as surveys show: Almost every third person drinks too little.


Most of the time, we have other things on our minds and completely forget to drink. Especially under stress, this can happen quickly. According to the survey, many forget to drink enough at work. What can help: the smartphone. Most people have it with them almost all the time anyway.

For smartphones, whether Android or iOS, there are various drinking apps that remind you to drink. You can also get push notifications on your phone or smartwatch so you don’t forget.

5 drinking apps you’re welcome to try:

  • Gerolsteiner TrinkCheck app (Android & iOS).
  • Aqualert (Android & iOS)
  • Water Drink Alarm (for Android)
  • Plant Nanny (iOS)
  • Daily Water – Drink Reminder (iOS)

Drinking enough water is essential to our health, yet many people don’t drink enough. Every day we lose water through our sweat, tears and other bodily functions, so we need to replenish our lost water to stay hydrated. When we talk about drinking water, it refers to both the water that we drink and the water that is found in food, such as fruits and vegetables.

Not drinking enough water can have a number of health consequences. A lack of water leads to dehydration, which can cause headaches, fatigue, dry skin and difficulty concentrating. Dehydration can also lead to kidney stones and urinary tract infections, as well as increased risk of heart attack and stroke. In addition, drinking enough water can help prevent constipation, as it helps keep the digestive system moving.

Adults need to drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily, which is about two liters of water. However, the amount of water needed by an individual may vary depending on age, physical activity and the climate where they live. During exercise, for example, individuals need to replenish lost body fluids by drinking extra water.

Water can also be an important part of weight loss, as it can help reduce hunger and increase metabolism. It also helps flush out unwanted toxins in the body, and can help stimulate healthy digestion. Additionally, while coffee and tea can be part of a healthy diet, these drinks may not provide the same health benefits as drinking water by itself.

Overall, drinking enough water is essential for our health, and making it part of our daily routine is important. In addition to drinking water, eating foods that are high in water content, such as cucumbers and tomatoes, can help us consume enough water in our daily lives.