Kolkata is a lively city where tradition and legal processes overlap, making the Gazette Office your go-to resource when dealing with name changes, marriage announcements and divorce notifications. This article serves as your comprehensive guide on understanding their functions specifically related to these significant life transitions.
Launch of the Gazette Office:
The West Bengal Gazette Office operates under the Department of Printing and Stationery to publish official government notifications and announcements in Kolkata. Although no specific address for public interaction exists for this service, this department operates from:
Visit Writers’ Building, BBD Bag, Kolkata-700001 to reach our Main office or browse to www.egazette.gov.in to access our digital edition.
Gazette and Name Changes:
Publishing an advertisement of name changes in India’s gazette is mandatory to achieve legal recognition; however, it’s important to remember that the Gazette Office doesn’t actually process these applications themselves; here is the flow:
Begin the Process: File an Affidavit before a Notary Public detailing your reasons for making changes. Submit Ads in Multiple Newspapers (e.g. The Telegraph or Ananda Bazar Patrika).
Submit Proof: Provide copies of published ads to the designated authority (e.g., Registrar of Publications).
Gazette Notification: Once approved, details will be forwarded directly to the Gazette Office for publication completing legal processes. Documents Required for Gazette Name Change:
Name Change Adverts in Public Gazettes
Accepted name change ads should be published two to three weeks post approval in public gazettes.
Gazette Announcement After Marriage:
Publishing an announcement in the Gazette after your wedding is optional, though many choose it for greater awareness or legal documentation purposes. Please submit a marriage certificate directly to the designated authority so they may forward it onto the Gazette Office for publication.
Documents Needed for Gazette Marriage Announcements:
Marriage Certificate, Proof of Residence and Gazette After Divorce: Although divorce decrees typically carry legal weight, some may choose to publish them in the gazette as public notice of their decree – similar to marriage announcements.
Documents Needed for Divorce Announcement in Gazette:
Important Tips for Divorce Proceeding (both parties ): Certified copy of divorce decree, photo identification proof from both parties and proof of residence for both. (in both cases). Various information sources suggest this would help in expediting proceedings more smoothly.)
Consult a lawyer for specific guidance and assistance with legal processes.
Carefully proofread documents to avoid errors.
Keep copies of published advertisements and official documents for future reference. Notes of Clarification:
Remind yourself that the Gazette Office serves only as the publisher, not processor, of notifications. Specific procedures and documents might vary depending on your situation. For up-to-date and detailed information on any topic or procedure please visit relevant government websites or reach out directly to designated authorities.
Understanding the role and guidelines of the Gazette Office will enable you to navigate life transitions in Kolkata more smoothly while also ensuring proper documentation for legal recognition.